What To Expect Throughout Gonstead Chiropractic Treatment

When you are first told you need to see a Gonstead chiropractor, the knee-jerk reaction is often one of fear and dread. Will it hurt? Is it going to be expensive? What should I expect?
But once you have decided to take the plunge and book an appointment with a Gonstead chiropractor, it can be the most life-changing decision you ever make.
Gonstead chiropractic treatment is a safe, natural way to treat many common health conditions, and Gonstead chiropractors are specially trained to provide the best possible treatment without surgical or pharmacological intervention.
Here is what you need to know about Gonstead chiropractic treatment and what to expect before, during, and after your appointment.

What To Expect Before Gonstead Chiropractic Treatment


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The first thing you should expect before your Gonstead chiropractic treatment is a consultation. This is where you’ll be asked about your medical history and any health concerns you may have. In the medical history, the chiropractor will delve into your current history, past medical and surgical history, drug history, and family’s health history as well.
The goal is to:

  • understand your needs, concerns, feelings, and goals for your treatment
  • see if you meet the requirements to receive Gonstead chiropractic treatment.

Once this is done, the next step is your physical examination with instrumentation. Here, your Gonstead chiropractor will use motion and static palpation in addition to X-rays and nervoscope use to delve into the problem.
The first thing the Gonstead chiropractor will do is take a look at your posture. They will also check for any abnormalities in your spine, such as scoliosis. Once they have determined the alignment of your spine, they will then take X-rays to get a better look at what is going on inside your body.

X-Ray Analysis

One of the most important aspects of Gonstead chiropractic care is the X-ray analysis. The Gonstead chiropractor will take a full-spine X-ray to get a clear picture of the alignment of your spine.
Your Gonstead Chiropractor will then use the extensive training they have obtained to analyze your X-rays using the Gonstead X-ray marking system.
Clarence Gonstead’s extensive background in mechanical engineering allowed him to teach his students to analyze the spine in a way that took out all the guesswork when it comes to adjusting any individual.
Your doctor will use these X-rays at every adjustment to know and understand the angle and degree of rotation of each one of your vertebrae as well as any anomalies within your spine. This means he doesn’t need to make assumptions while adjusting, providing you with the most specific adjustment possible.
Infants, children, and pregnant women are exempted from receiving  X-rays.


The Gonstead chiropractor will also use an instrument called a Nervoscope to measure the temperature produced by an inflamed nerve. The Nervoscope is important because it allows the Gonstead chiropractor to see if there is any nerve interference.
If there is nerve interference, it means that the nerves are not able to function properly and may be causing health problems.

Motion and Static Palpation

The Gonstead chiropractor will also use motion and static palpation to feel for any areas of tenderness, muscle spasm, or misalignment. Motion palpation is when the Gonstead chiropractor moves the joint while palpating it. Static palpation is when the Gonstead chiropractor feels for any tenderness without moving the joint.

What To Expect During Gonstead Chiropractic Treatment

During your Gonstead chiropractic treatment, there are three primary phases of care.

1st Phase: Halting

The first phase of Gonstead chiropractic care is focused on halting the progression of the condition. This is done by realigning the spine and correcting any subluxations. The Gonstead chiropractor will use a variety of techniques to realign the spine, such as Gonstead adjustments.

2nd Phase: Holding

The second phase of Gonstead chiropractic care is focused on holding the correction. This is done by regularly scheduled adjustments and maintenance care. The Gonstead chiropractor will adjust your spine as often as necessary to make sure that the correction is being held.
The frequency of your adjustments will depend on the severity of your condition and how quickly your body can heal.

3rd Phase: Maintenance


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The Gonstead chiropractor will also recommend that you come in for routine maintenance care. Maintenance care is when you come in for regular adjustments even after your condition has been resolved.
The purpose of maintenance care is to prevent the recurrence of the condition and to keep your spine healthy. Maintenance care is especially recommended for people who have a family history of back problems or who are prone to injuries.

The Benefits Of The 3 Phases Of Gonstead Chiropractic Treatment

The three phases of Gonstead chiropractic care offer a variety of benefits. These include:

  • Reduced pain
  • Improved range of motion
  • Increased flexibility
  • Improved posture
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved sleep
  • Preventing future injuries
  • Improved function of the nervous system
  • Preventing recurrence of the problem

What To Expect After Gonstead Chiropractic Treatment

Continued care is important even after your Gonstead chiropractic treatment is complete. The Gonstead chiropractor will recommend a schedule of continued care that is tailored to your specific needs.
The purpose of continued care is to prevent the recurrence of the condition and to maintain the health of your spine. Continued care is necessary because it allows the Gonstead chiropractor to monitor your condition and make any necessary adjustments.
Similar to your routine dental visit to stave off cavities, gingivities and even oral decay and infections, you also have to maintain routine chiropractic visits to prevent deterioration of your spine.  Make sure to follow the Gonstead chiropractor’s recommendations for continued care and home care to ensure the best possible outcome.
Gonstead chiropractic care is a holistic approach to health that offers a variety of benefits. If you are looking for an effective and natural way to treat your health condition, Gonstead chiropractic care may be right for you.

Looking For Expert Gonstead Chiropractic Treatment in Denver?

Now that you fully understand the intricacies of the Gonstead chiropractic treatment method, you may be wondering where to go to receive this type of care.
If you’re looking for an effective and natural way to treat your health condition, Gonstead chiropractic care may be right for you. At Concise Chiropractic, our team of expert Gonstead chiropractors is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
We look forward to helping you achieve your health goals!
Schedule a consultation now!

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