What Pregnant Women Can Expect During Webster Technique Treatment

Being an expectant mother can be a joyous yet nerve-wracking experience. On one hand, you’re thrilled to be bringing a new life into the world. On the other hand, you’re worried about everything that could go wrong for you or your child.

The Webster chiropractic technique is a treatment that can help reduce many of the risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth. This technique was developed specifically for pregnant women and is safe and effective.

To help you alleviate some of your concerns surrounding your pregnancy, we’ve put together a guide on what you can expect during your Webster technique treatment.

What Is The Webster Technique and How Does It Benefit Pregnant Women? 



The Webster technique is a type of chiropractic care that helps to realign the pelvis, address the tightness in the round ligaments and improve the function of the nervous system. This technique was developed specifically for pregnant women and is safe and effective.

There are many benefits of the Webster technique for pregnant women and their babies, which includes:

Fetal Benefits:

  • Decreased risk of birth trauma
  • Reduced risk of dystocia (difficult labor)
  • Minimizes risk of cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
  • Reduced risk of shoulder dystocia
  • Lowered risk of breech and posterior presentations

Maternal Benefits:

  • Relieves back pain
  • Decreased risk of pelvic girdle pain
  • Lowered risk of pubic symphysis dysfunction
  • Reduced labor time
  • Minimizes risk of episiotomy (a surgical cut to aid in difficult labor and prevent tears)
  • Reduced risk of c-section due to failure to progress or breech presentation

What To Expect During Webster Technique Chiropractic Treatment?



Certified chiropractors who are trained in the Webster chiropractic technique will ensure your safety and comfort. From the moment you walk into the office, you will be treated with care and respect.

Here’s what you should expect during a Webster technique chiropractic treatment during different stages.

Before Starting Treatment

From the very start, the health and wellbeing of you and your unborn child are the top priority. This is why a trained chiropractor will take the time to understand you and your health history. This will include delving into your medical history as well as your current and any previous pregnancies.

You will also be asked questions about your lifestyle and diet to get a better insight into how these factors may be affecting your health. Once the chiropractor has a comprehensive grasp of your health, they will be able to develop a treatment plan that is tailored specifically for you.

After taking your medical history, the next step is physical examination and instrumentation. To ensure accurate visualization and palpation of the pelvis, you will be given complete privacy to remove clothing from the waist up. You will then be given a gown to cover yourself with. Once this is done, the team will palpate and use the nervoscope along your spine while visualizing your sacroiliac joints, located at your tailbone. Naturally, we recommend that when you are going for a chiropractic visit, you avoid wearing a dress or opt for high-waisted pants that can easily fold down for visualization of your sacroiliac joints.

The gown will allow the chiropractor to access the areas that need to be treated while still maintaining your modesty and comfort. Additionally, it allows any visualization to be done without any hindrances to identify any signs of inflammation, muscle spasm or tenderness, pelvic dysfunction, and spinal subluxations.

Static and Motion Palpation

Motion and static palpation follow shortly after to help the chiropractor identify any areas of restrictions. While static palpation is done by pressing on different areas to check for tenderness, motion palpation is done by moving the joints in different directions to check for any restrictions in movement. 


Instrumentation follows the physical examination to help the chiropractor get a more precise idea of what is going on inside your body. During your first visit, you will be scanned with our INSiGHT neuroTech, and if you’re getting adjusted during that visit, possibly the nervoscope as well. Both pieces of equipment use thermal energy and not radiation so will not pose a threat to your pregnancy. 


While X-rays are a mainstay for many chiropractic treatments for providing a wealth of diagnostic information, they should never be done for pregnant women. This is because the X-rays use ionizing radiation, which can be harmful to both the mother and the developing baby. To get the best results, we recommend that you get images before trying to conceive. However, once conception is a possibility, an X-ray will not be done. 

After the physical examination, the chiropractor will go over the findings with you and explain what they mean. They will also discuss their customized treatment plan with you in detail and address any concerns or questions that you may have.

The treatment plan will be focused on reducing any subluxations in the pelvis and restoring balance. This is done through a combination of chiropractic adjustments, mobilizations, muscle work, therapeutic exercises, and lifestyle or dietary recommendations.

During Treatment 

After your assessment, your chiropractor will begin the treatment. During your Webster technique adjustment, there are several things that you can expect.

What Does an Adjustment Look Like?

Chiropractic adjustments using the Webster technique are gentle and specific and are the only techniques for adjusting pregnant women. The aim is to reduce any subluxations in the pelvis and relax the ligaments in the vagina, which will help to restore balance. 

After placing you on one of our tables using a special pregnancy pillow for relieving pressure caused by your growing uterus, the chiropractor will use their hands to apply a controlled force to the joints that have restrictions. There is never twisting of your abdomen but rather the lower back and pelvis as they are soft ligamentous structure and is completely safe for you and your baby. 

If you require adjustments to your midback and neck, the Gonstead technique is used instead as it offers many benefits for even a pregnant woman.

You may hear popping or cracking sounds as the joints are moved, but this is perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned about. These sounds are caused by gas bubbles being released from the joints. The adjustments are safe and gentle, and you should not feel any pain.

If at any time you do feel discomfort, please let the chiropractor know so they can adjust the treatment accordingly. 

The number of treatments will depend on the individual, but most women see a significant improvement in symptoms after just a few adjustments. The chiropractor will re-evaluate your progress after each treatment and adjust the plan accordingly. Here at Concise Chiropractic, we focus primarily on the maintenance and your overall health throughout your pregnancy to ensure you achieve the previously mentioned benefits for you and your developing baby. 

Helping the Baby

The Webster technique is not only focused on providing relief for the mother but also on creating the best environment for the developing baby. Reducing subluxations in the pelvis and relaxing the ligaments of the uterus can help to create more space for the baby to move into the optimal position for delivery.

It is important to remember that the Webster technique is not a guarantee that your baby will be in the head-down position. But it can help to create an environment that is more conducive to this happening.

Your Phases of Care Based on Your Trimesters

The Webster technique can be beneficial at any stage of pregnancy, but the approach may differ slightly based on which trimester you are in.

In the first trimester, the focus is on reducing stress and ensuring that the mother is as comfortable as possible. The adjustments will be gentle and focused on creating balance in the pelvis and neuromuscular system and help facilitate flexible joints. This will help to create the optimal environment for the developing baby.

As pregnancy progresses and the baby grows, the focus shifts to providing more support for the mother. The adjustments will be catered more to your changing bodies and more focused on reducing subluxations in the pelvis. This will help to alleviate any pain or discomfort that the mother is experiencing.

In the third trimester, the focus is on preparing for delivery. The adjustments will be focused on reducing subluxations in the pelvis and creating more space for the baby to move into the ideal position for delivery.

After Treatment

Once your treatment is complete, your chiropractor will provide you with postnatal care instructions. This may include lifestyle or dietary recommendations. It is important to continue receiving chiropractic care after your baby is born. This will help to ensure that your body can recover properly and adjust to the new demands of motherhood.

Your chiropractor may also recommend that you get X-rays to check for any changes in your spine or pelvis. This is especially important if you experienced any pain or discomfort during your pregnancy.

Lastly, since your body was going through so many changes that placed a large demand or strain on your spine and pelvis, it is important to have a plan in place to stabilize these areas. This may include regular chiropractic adjustments, massage, and regular exercises.

Webster Technique Treatment At Concise Chiropractic 

As a mother, you want what is best for your baby. At Concise Chiropractic, we understand this and are here to help you every step of the way. Our team of expert chiropractors are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care.

Ensuring you and your baby’s well-being is of utmost importance. This is why we aim to maintain a high-quality level of care with a comprehensive examination to identify any issues and, if necessary, conduct skilled pelvic adjustments.

We understand that pregnancy can be a stressful time, which is why we want to do everything we can to help you relax and feel comfortable. Our goal is to help you have a happy and healthy pregnancy.

In Need of Chiropractic Care During Your Pregnancy?

The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that helps restore proper pelvic balance and function. This can help to improve the overall health of both mother and baby.

If you are pregnant and in need of quality chiropractic care, look no further than Concise Chiropractic. Our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

We look forward to meeting you and your little one!

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